


Revitalization of theYanagase shopping district through
healthy foods utilizing local ingredients from Gifu

小野 廣紀 田中 美有 長尾 美奈 林 優月 原田 昌代
Kouki OnoMiyu TanakaMina Nagao Utsuki HayashiMasayo Harada


    In this study, Gifu City Senior Citizen Resources Center cooperated with Gifu City Women’s College. Healthy cookies named “Popeye Daisuki Cookie” were made at the college and were distributed for free at a shop called “Silver Yanagase Salon” in the Yanagase shopping district. In these cookies, vitamin A and potassium were more abundant than regular cookies, and there was less sodium and fewer calories. On a survey, nearly 84% of people who tried the cookie were satisfied with the taste and the texture of the cookie. We did not understand the effect of the ability to attract customers to the shop, but a day’s sales at the shop increased.

Key wordsKeywords:岐阜の食材Gifu ingredients, 健康的なお菓子healthy foods, 高齢者senior citizen, 地域活性化local revitalization,
柳ヶ瀬商店街Yanagase shopping district