

現代に生きるA Christmas Carolの精神

The Spirit of A Christmas Carol Effective in our Times

吉田 恒義
Tsuneyoshi YOSHIDA


 A Christmas Carol is a story written in the middle of the nineteenth century by Charles Dickens. The leading character is an old miser named Scrooge. His nephew Fred is, unlike Scrooge, very friendly to everyone. Fred thinks that Christmas is a good time when people open their shut-up hearts freely and enjoy themselves. Words such as “kind,” “forgiving,” “charitable” and “pleasant” uttered by Fred produce the spirit of Christmas to which he is faithful.
Scrooge has been living his life in an extremely selfish way. He lacks the spirit of Christmas and annoys others around him. So, he is depicted critically in the story. In this essay, the present writer tried to make clear how effective the spirit of Christmas is in our times.

Keywords : スクルージ,クリスマスの精神, 精霊, 改心