

壱岐金蔵寺所蔵の神岳山縁起について U

附 翻刻「神岳山縁起及末寺書上」

The Legend of Kamidakesan in the Iki island U

須永 敬
Takashi SUNAGA


 The purpose of this paper is to study the following three problems about the history book on Kamidakesan temple now kept in Konzoji temple. First, I researched the meaning of the words on the history book " Sobyo", "Rokusya-Gongen", "Kitayamadono" and "Rokuno-Gozen". Secondly, I considered legends, traditional events, and branch temples of Kamidakesan temples. Thirdly, I considered description of Jinkoji temple on the history book. As a result, it was pointed out that religious situation ―syncretization of Shinto with Buddhism― in Iki island at Edo period influenced the legend of Kamidakesan-temple.

Keywords : 寺社縁起・六社権現・北山殿・年中行事・神仏習合