岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第52輯(平成15年3月)



On the Study of Breakfast Skipping

堀 光 代 中 島 順 一
Mistuyo HORI Junichi NAKAJIMA


According to the data of the National Nutrition Survey in Japan (1997), approximately 20.5% and 32.9% in the 30-39 years old and 20-29 years old skipped breakfast, respectively. Thus, guideline for the decrease in breakfast skipping might be different between 30-39 years old and 20-29 years old. A few pupils in the elementary school did not eat the breakfast, while some of students in the junior and the senior high school did not. Although the final aim in the Health Japan 21 is that all students eat breakfast, it is so difficult to achieve the aim judging from the present food lifestyle. Thus, it is necessary to educate in the school that eating the breakfast is important.