


Warm vegetable and short exercise do not increase energy metabolism

青木 貴子 黒木 由希子
Takako AOKI Yukiko KUROKI


In order to prevent “hi-e”- cold feeling-, warm vegetable and light/short exercise were examined to 9 women. Oxygen consumption was tested before and after 3 kinds of examination. 1) Eating 100 g of warm vegetable (radish―daikon, carrot― ninjin,and green leaves―komatuna) stewed in Japanese flavor, 2) rise and down step for 3 min with 500 g ?weight on each hand, and 3) eating vegetable following rise and down step. After 5 min, none of three examinations increased oxygen consumption compared with that before the examinations. Combination of warm vegetable and exercise did not change the oxygen consumption compared with warm vegetable alone nor with exercise alone. These examinations warmed body for only few minutes.

Keywords : エネルギー代謝、食事誘発性熱産生、活動後代謝、酸素消費量