


"Hi-e" -cold feeling- of citizens

青木 貴子 黒木 由希子
Takako AOKI Yukiko KUROKI


 "Hi-e" (cold feeling ) was analyzed among women above13 years-old in G-city. 200 sets of questionnaire were delivered by hand or posting to each home and 107 sets were answered by mail or by hand. 91 answers were analyzed. People suffering from "hi-e" is named "group Y" and other is named "group N". Half of young generation (13-39 years-old), ?40% of middle generation (40-59 years old), and ?10% of old generation (more than 59 years-old) were grouped into Y. Group Y was significantly leaner than group N in middle generation. 30% of group Y complained of not only cold feeling but also pain in some parts of the body. Suffering duration was more than 3 month in 2/3 of group Y. These results indicate that some resolution should be presented to women suffering from "hi-e".

Keywords : cold, hi-e, questionnaire, women