


Historical Changes of the Plane in the Modern Era

船曵 悦子


  In this article, the following points were shown about the historical change from the single iron plane to the double iron plane based on literature, archival photographs and actual samples.
(1)The cap iron of a double iron plane with a hole in a fixed position is a re-utilized tobacco mincing blade. 
(2)In the early Meiji period when the western plane was imported, the construction and working of the double iron plane based on the western plane had been elucidated. 
(3)The double iron plane already existed in the middle Meiji period as a plane for handicraft. 
(4)The double iron plane is not seen being used by artisans (carpenters) using planes in the Meiji period, but it was used in the early Showa period.

Keywords : 近代,大工道具,職人,大工,鉋