



Chūsetsu-bashi Bridge project
-Design for Place and TimeⅣ-

今井 裕夫
Hiroo IMAI


   The current Chūsetsu-bashi Bridge was built in 1948 and is the oldest standing bridge in Gifu City. Historically speaking, the Nagara-bashi Bridge was actually the first bridge to be built, but it has be reconstructed several times. Even though the Chūsetsu-bashi Bridge was the second bridge to be built in Gifu City, the structure now standing has the distinction of being the oldest surviving bridge. There are many splendid views of the Chūsetsu-bashi Bridge. One of these is along the route from Tenjin-machi to the Enmei Jizōdō statue. As the path turns left and rises gently, the beautiful arch of the bridge becomes visible. Another beautiful view of the bridge can be glimpsed from the wooded area in which the Tenmangu Shrine is located. This paper presents a plan for the development of this approach to the Chūsetsu-bashi Bridge.

Key words : アーチ橋、Sunset 、Organic Unity