


On the Structure of the Satisfaction in the Lifestyle Habit of the Diabetic

中島 順一 坂 博
Junichi NAKAJIMA Hiroshi SAKA


   11 survey items which asked the satisfaction in the life from lifestyle habit investigation based onWHO/QOL -26 carried out for the diabetic were taken up, and the cluster analysis by the K-means method was applied, while relevance and structure between items are clarified using basis analytical method, the categorization of the research object by the answer pattern was done, and next result was obtained. Extractedmain componentwas read with the factor which showed the satisfaction of the social region where the factor of the satisfaction vs. environment region in body region and factor which shows the synthetic satisfaction which shows satisfaction faces the satisfaction of the environmental region. By the cluster analysis, 4 clustery characteristics became clear.

Key words : 糖尿病、満足度、主成分分析、クラスター分析