


The Relation between Infants’ Bones and Their Exercise and Athletic Ability

武藤紀久 桑原信治1) 竹本康史2) 鷲野嘉映3) 西田弘之4)
Norihisa MUTO Nobuharu KUWAHARA Yasufumi TAKEMOTO Kaei WASHINO Hiroyuki NISHIDA
1)東海女子短期大学 2)岐阜聖徳学園大学 3)名古屋文理大学 4)岐阜薬科大学


 This study investigated how infants' bones are influenced by their weight, athletic ability and diet. The following results were obtained; 1) The subjects' ability to do the sports tests was found to be related to the number of steps they take on average; 2) The more steps male infants take, the better the quality of bones they have; 3) The better the quality of bones are, the better they are at sports; 4) According to some kindergarten teachers, the more active infants are, the better the quality of bones are; 5) Infants who like dairy products, have good appetites and eat a balanced diet, will have good bones. The results show that getting moderate exercise and having a balanced diet are important from infancy to improve and maintain the quality of bones.

Key words : Bones,Exercise,Diet