

On the Spatial Units of the Hoysala Temples
A Study of Spatial Composition of the Hoysala Temples

Naomichi YAGUCHI


 In this paper, I aim to clear the concept of special units of the temple architecture in India. It is important to define the meaning of the spatial units of the temple architecture. Though the temples amplify all over India, the spatial units, i.e., garbhagrha (sanctum), sukanasi (vestibule), navaranga (closed hall of worship), and mukhacatuski (pillared entrance hall) and so on, are not uniform. Take the Hoysalas for instance, I try to clear the meaning of the special units, what is universal character and what is particular character of the Hoysalas. This paper is based on the research under the grant for scientific research by the government of Japan.

Key words : Indian Temple Architecture, Hoysalas, Garbhagrha, Sukanasi, Navaranga