岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第53輯(平成16年3月)



A study of new relation of environmental study and an art activity workshop.



The Relation of environmental education and art activities is not especially novel. An environmental education has been performed at the beginning with subjects, such as social studies and science, in the pollution problem of the1970s in school education. When it looks down at the thing of the future the inside where we make a living, and from now on, today’s environmental problem is very important thing what cannot be disregarded. As one of the measures to this, the art activities on the theme of environment can be considered. That is, this study aims to consider the difference between environmental education and an art activity workshop performed how not a thing but “environment” with emphasis on education are positioned in an art activity workshop, and so far about this again.

Key words : 造形ワークショップ、環境教育、コミュニケーション、アートプロジェクト