岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第53輯(平成16年3月)



A Study of International Relationship between Colleges
from the Point of College English Education

吉田恒義 山本健一 大橋真由美
Tsuneyoshi YOSHIDA Kenichi YAMAMOTO Mayumi OHASHI


In1991, the English Department of Gifu City Women’s College(GCWC)added a new subject, “English Study Abroad” to the curriculum, for the purpose of making use of international exchange in an English program. As a result, GCWC exchanged information with Thomas More College(TMC)in Cincinnati, Ohio. The aim of this paper is to make clear the problems concerning the creation of an international exchange program. The correspondence between GCWC and TMC from January30,1992to June16,1992was explained in the paper titled “Theory and Practice of International Relationship between Colleges from the Point of College English Education” published by Gifu City Women’s College. In this paper, the correspondence between two colleges from March3,1993to July12,1993will be explained to get some clues as how to further promote international and cultural exchange between Japanese and American colleges.

キーワード : 国際交流、トマス・モア大学、英語教育、姉妹校締結、サマー・プログラム

Keywords : international relationship, Thomas More College, English education, articulation agreement, summer program